Olivia has studied music at Schenectady County Community College (SCCC).She is an accomplished vocalist, an experienced actress and a choreographer for Foothills Family Productions.
Thanks to techniques she learned at Transitions, Olivia quickly found success in the college and work environment. She can easily navigate SCCC, use campus resources and supports, get help when she needs it, recognize potential safety risks, communicate with professors and supervisors, and seek out accommodations.Olivia uses tools suggested by Transitions, including a binder system, notes and calendars, to keep her work schedule, college responsibilities and appointments organized.
Olivia was selected by SCCC to be part of the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges in recognition of her GPA and involvement in campus and community activities.
With encouragement from her family and Transitions mentors, Olivia has become a sought-after performer who is confident in her many roles. She works regularly as a paid singer who entertains audiences of up to 150 people at ease.

Dylan is studying Human Resources Management at Fulton-Montgomery Community College. After he obtains his associate’s degree, he plans to transfer to the State University of New York at Albany to earn a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management.
Originally from New York City, Dylan adjusted quickly and successfully to more rural living in the Adirondacks and plans to make this his home. He has worked hard to become self-reliant in managing his home and life. Through the material Dylan has learned at Transitions, he has become well organized and adept at managing his college responsibilities, work, free time and stress levels.
Dylan completed an internship rotation with a local HR department during his first year at Transitions. His supervisors were so impressed with his contributions that they offered him a part-time job, which he readily accepted. In this position, Dylan has set up and worked at job fairs, completed reference checks for new hires and assisted with all aspects of the hiring process.

Andrew is a young man who arrived at Transitions just after his high school graduation with dreams of attending college. Andrew is a student at Fulton-Montgomery Community College, pursuing an associate degree in General Studies while he while he determines a career path. While at Transitions, Andrew developed his professional career by happenstance. Andrew loved singing in the halls and was heard by staff and encouraged to audition for a band. Andrew auditioned and was hired as a vocalist for the band Flame that travels around the country and internationally.

Joey is a sophomore at Transitions and is in the career path working in the retail field. Joe prepares merchandise for sale and helps customers complete their transactions. He channels his passion for movies and music and his friendly welcoming presence into providing high quality customer services. Joe is open-minded and always willing to try new opportunities and experiences. Joey has been hugely successful in the wellness program, leading his peers in class and in activities.

Eric is entering his sophomore year in the Transitions program and is currently a student at Fulton Montgomery Community College. Eric earned several honors this semester, including achieving academic excellence in the college trio program. Eric’s goal is to transfer to a four-year university and become a history teacher in the future. Eric has show exceptional growth in social skills and in independent living skills in the residential setting.

Lacey is entering her junior year and is a graduate of Fulton Montgomery Community College earner her associates degree in liberal arts, specializing in theater arts. Lacey is a dedicated performer, acting in numerous college plays, learning to play the violin and is interested in learning voice acting and anime. Lacey is completing the course study program at Transitions. Lacey is pursuing a career in the business field and working with her job developer to find a job in her preferred area and is beginning her specialized training for this role this summer. Lacey is also super talented in the culinary area and has been teaching culinary classes at the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts.

Coty is in the college track at Transitions and has been pursuing his degree at Fulton Montgomery Community College and plans to graduate and then pursue his bachelor’s degree in environmental conservation. Coty has gone from a student who was on academic probation to a student who has great confidence and has been on the Dean’s list. He has shown immense responsibility and has accepted the RA role in the apartment program, role modeling for new students, assisting the mentors with prepping activities and more. Coty has also proven himself in the workforce and has earned a paid job this summer at a tree farm/landscaping company due to his exceptional work performance during an internship.

Asher lives independently and is preparing to take the GED. His dream is to have a career in forensics. He is also a volunteer at Lexington’s Good Neighbor Program.

Abigail an accomplished artist and has sold several paintings through the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts. She has also completed Project Lift, a career training program at Fulton-Montgomery Community College and works at a catering service.

Jocelyn completed Project Lift, a career training program at Fulton-Montgomery Community College, and works as a Human Resources Assistant.

Courtney earned a certificate in Early Childhood Education from Fulton-Montgomery Community College and is currently employed as a substitute teacher’s aide.rogram.

Abby attends a community college in Norfolk, Virginia, where she is exploring the paralegal and early childhood education fields. She interned at the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts.