Transitions’ core curriculum was developed specifically for young adults with learning differences so that they may acquire management skills for college, career and life, improve social skills and competency, and learn best practices for healthy living. The emphasis in the program is the importance of self-advocacy and self-monitoring. Using the work of many esteemed researchers and providers across the country as a foundation, the curriculum focuses on immersing the student in real life experiences while supporting their success in achieving their college or career goals.

Classes are rigorous and unpredictable enough to imitate actual college or career settings while at the same time still safe and supportive for learning. All students will be supported by trained clinical team members and peer mentors in activities that address the five core areas: social skills, health and wellness, independent life, self-management, and self-advocacy and leadership. A Personal Outcome Measures® interview from the Council on Quality and Leadership forms the basis of each student’s person-centered plan and goals.

Self-determination skills are a set of personal skills that include accepting one’s disability and how that disability affects their learning, understanding which support services one needs, knowing how to describe one’s disability and advocate for supports, and having the determination to overcome obstacles that may present themselves. Transitions uses the Self-Determination Scale, a student self-report measure of self-determination designed primarily for use by adolescents with cognitive and developmental disabilities, to assist students and educators in identifying student strengths, areas of support and instructional need in self-determination. Class material is reinforced in the students’ daily lives with peer mentors.

Essential Curriculum & Supports for all of our Students