Course Catalogs
The Transitions program is designed to simulate the rigor and unpredictability of a college or career setting while simultaneously providing a safe and supportive environment for learning. The Apprenticeships feature a core of student coursework heavily focused on social skills, self-management/executive functioning (planning and organizing), leadership, wellness and life skills. After completing a Personal Outcome Measures® interview and self-determination scale assessment at the end of the program, each student, with support, will create a personal Transitions Portfolio that will address self-identified goals, interests and outcomes. The listed core course offerings may be required or strongly advised based on each individual’s unique level of support, concentration and goal(s) for program participation. Additionally, Transitions shares its campus with the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts, which provides enrichment classes to Transitions students. More information on all courses is provided below.
Core Courses - Lessons
Whether a person’s primary focus is on improving their physical well-being, mental health or the energy they have for hobbies, the journey is the same. In this series, students will begin that journey by working with wellness coaches who received their certification from the Mayo Clinic to get wellness-based education as well as one-to-one personalized coaching. Everything from identifying personal challenges, setting SMART long- and short-term goals, and tracking progress for sleep, nutrition, exercise, relaxation and spirituality is discussed. Topics will also include the “Freshman 15,” reading nutrition labels and more.