Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition for the Full-year and Camp applicants includes room and board, transportation, participation in classes and activities, staff supports, most recreational/social activities, and therapeutic supports for social, sensory and medical oversight.

Transitions encourages families and applicants to seek funding sources such as financial aid for college students and public funding, if applicable, such as SSI, SSDI, Vocational Rehabilitation, school district funding and the NYS Office for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.

Full-Year Programs Prices:


  • $28,500 per semester for full-time students, includes Transitions tuition, room and board
  • $12,900 per semester for day scholars

ALBANY Campus:

  • $34,300 per semester for full-time students, includes Transitions tuition, room and board
  • $13,150 per semester for day scholars


  • *$27, 650 per semester for full-time students, includes Transitions Tuition, room and board
  • $12,750 per semester for day scholars

Weekend Camps: Mini Camps Prices:


  • $325 per person, includes overnight stay and meals

ALBANY Campus:

  • $375 per person, includes overnight stay and meals

Two- and Three-Week Camps: Summer Immersion Experience


  • Two weeks: $4200 residential option / $2100 day scholar
  • Three week: $ 5900 residential option/ $ 2950 day scholar

ALBANY Campus:

  • Two weeks: $4925 residential option/$2400 day scholar
  • Three weeks: $6,600 residential option/ $3,150 day scholar

Week-long Specialty Camps Prices:

Mayfield: Sunday – Friday Campus:

  • $1,525 residential option/ $675 day scholar

Cobleskill: Monday – Friday Campus:

  • No Residential option – $675 day scholar only

Albany: Monday – Friday Campus:

  • No Residential option – -$675 day scholar only
  • College tuition is paid separately to the college.
  • Each student will be assessed upon admission and annually to decide which supports, if any, they need. A fee may be charged if it is determined that additional medical and/or emotional supports, such as overnight staff supports, are needed.
  • Tuition does not include medical or specialized counseling services, medications or other personal services.
  • Special activities are optional and may have an extra charge.
  • Participation in the Transitions program may qualify as a medical tax deduction. Consult with your tax advisor.

Making Transitions Affordable

Transitions is a life-changing opportunity for its students, so we are committed to working with future students and their families to make sure as many people as possible get the chance to experience it. There are many forms of financial aid available that can take the worrying out of coming to Transitions. These include federal and state grants, funding for New York State students with intellectual or developmental disabilities, medical tax deductions, student employment, payment plans, personal fundraising and private scholarships.

Transitions also offers several scholarships, including merit scholarships which offer up to $5,500 per year for full-year students and up to $1,000 for Summer Immersion Experience sessions. These merit-based scholarships award students based on their potential to succeed at Transitions and the strength of a personal essay which gives a sense of who they are and their dedication to their goals.